Home Office Ventilation

Home Office Ventilation 

Home Office Ventilations

Back in 2020 when Covid 19 struck Ireland there was a large number of people with no other option but to work from home. Even now many people  are working from home full time or for a few days a week as employers have seen the financial benefit of reduced office space with no reduction in productivity. For many of us this has actually been a welcome change from the long commutes to and from our place of work. Some of us have been lucky enough to have enough space to convert a spare room into an office. When you occupy the room for eight hours a day with the door shut to stop noise traveling you will soon find yourself constantly opening and closing the window trying to bring in fresh air while not cooling the room to much.

Fresh air is vital to keep us alert and have a comfortable working environment. But keeping the room warm and a widow open may prove a bit of a challenge especially during the winter months. At Loughview Solutions we have a number of single room heat recovery fans that can ventilate your home office to the required level while retaining up to 82% of the heat in the extracted air. Some of the models have a remote control where you can adjust the ventilation rate from your chair as required.

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The units also have the benefit of supplying only cool air into the room in the summer months which may be of benefit to you if you are living near a noisy road. The single room heat recovery fan is ideal for tackling problems such as condensation dampness and mould growth. Leaving you working in a fresh and healthy working environment at a cost of around €2 per year.

The unit alternates between supply and extract fan modes. When in extract mode the unit’s high efficiency ceramic heat exchanger collects and retains heat from the extracted air. The majority of this heat is then transferred to the incoming air during supply mode. This method of operation avoids the short circuiting of air that can often happen with conventional single room heat recovery units, resulting in much more effective room ventilation. Units can also be set to work in harmony with each other e.g. when a unit in one room is extracting air another unit in another room can be set to supply air. This can greatly enhance cross ventilation in a home.

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